What are dangling modifiers?
Do you know?
Does anyone know?
Is it even necessary to know?
The truth is I had no idea what a dangling modifier is before I read the
blog in
The New York Times. Even after reading the blog, I still had confused thoughts of its real meaning. What I understood as dangling modifier after reading this article is that a dangling modifier, is one that tries to "modify" a certain part of a sentence but it ends up modifying another one that wasn't wrong in the first place. I'm not sure if this is what a dangling modifier is, but with a little help of my friends (google) I cleared my doubts. If my interpretation wasn't good enough for all of my fans out there, then I'll give you a taste of what my friend says it is. "An error caused by not placing the noun being modified next to it's modifier," thanks
grammar-monster you da best. In this blog Phillip B. Corbett, the author, gives different examples and explains why they are "grammatical woes" and why for the people that accidentally uses them makes their writing seem "slipshod." Don' worry I didn't know what slipshod meant either, but according to
The Free Dictionary it is and adjective that represents "careless."
For all those that see examples and think that you use them, then welcome to my world. In my opinion it doesn't make any one's writing look careless. I think this is a very descriptivist way to see grammar. They are useless. I think of it as descriptivist because of the name. Personally I dislike labels and this a label, why not just call it a simple, more than common, "grammatical error." Nevertheless we need to know them, and there is no better way to learn that by using examples.
"Hoping to garner favor, my parents were sadly unimpressed with the gift."
Ask yourself why is it a dangling modifier. If your thoughts were that we don't know who or what was hoping for a garner favor then you're right. A way to express your thoughts without using these would be:
"Hoping to garner favor, my sister brought my parents a gift that sadly unimpressed them."
Now comes my dirty secret: I, Emiliana Pacheco, uses dangling modifiers.
But you know what?
I like living my life on the edge.