domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

The Reappearance of the Number Three

The second major element of ethos is practical wisdom. When reading Thank Your for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs I realized how much I use this tool of rhetoric. To apply this you must know your audience so you know their problems, and what they want to hear as solutions. Also the audience has to believe that you know what is the right thing to do. Practical wisdom is not what one could call book smart, but more like life smart. I believe that usually people that use this tactic are leaders, so to all the people out there in the Leadership program go use it and win all you arguments. 

Have you ever seen Phineas and Ferb, if you have then you most know how Phineas always knows what to do. The first twenty seconds into this video, Phineas already said "I know what we are going to do today." This can be considered an example of practical wisdom. This character is someone that the audience can rely on because he is considered as "sufficiently knowledgeable to deal with the problem at hand. Ok, so let's get more into detail of what practical wisdom is all about. This element of ethos has three subcategories or tools that one can use as techniques (Oh Aristotle, once again with your number three). This tools are:
  • Show off your experience
  • Bend the rules
  • Seem to take the middle course

So showing off your experience, so similar to bragging but at the same time so different. If in an argument or a conversation one starts to talk about past experiences, your point of view sound more credible. In this tool of ethos, the deliberative and demonstrative rhetoric is in use. When you talk about past experiences (demonstrative), the audience other than believing that you're more credible, they can also believe that due to your past when a similar situation is presented in the future (deliberative) you will know the right thing to do. After, "it is fine yo brag about experiences, rather than yourself" (68). 

The we can bend the rules, this tool is pretty straight forward, "if the rules don't apply, don't apply them" (68). This can be used in all types of life situations. For example, we can analyze how school tardies can "bend the rules." If some random person got late for the third time in a row, they would probably get a detention slip, but if that person were to be injured in the leg he/she would probably not get the detention slip because the rule would be bend for the handicapped. 

Last but not least we can "seem to take the middle course" which can make the audience believe your "adversary's postion is an extreme one" (69). This can be used in arguments, and after all most people prefer to make a decision that is between extremes, not too low or too high. For those who didn't understand, here is an example:

Me: Mom I want those Gucci Shoes.
Mom: No, they are two expensive.
Dad: Buy the one's in Exito, they are really cheap.
Me: But due to the price, they are bad quality.
Me: Why don't I get the Converse, they are not that expensive and they are good quality.
Dad: Ok, let's buy those.

As you can see, in this example the person trying to convince their parents (me) went with a decision that "lies midway between extremes"(69). I didn't buy the too expensive or the too cheap, but the shoes that lied in the middle. After all I got what I really wanted, because I never really desired the Gucci ones.

Oh, the beauty of rhetoric.

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