martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

"I hurt. I need something"

Aw.. Reading this book takes me back to those nine months of Pre-AP English. We have rhetoric all over this book, especially pathos. In the book The Burn Journals, the author is mostly trying to appeal to audiences by showing how tragic his accident was. "I hurt. I need something." page 32. This is an example of how Brent Runyon is using pathos, most people when reading this would go like "Aww, poor guy" and I don't know why that's not the way I react towards it. Most people would say I don't have a heart I think I just don't take pity for self-injuries. With the book Half a Life I did feel sorry for Darin Strauss, as well as in Maus I, I did feel sorry for his family that survived through Holocaust. But I guess my heart doesn't feel sorry for Brent.

The way Brent narrates the accident makes it seem painful, but it really does not have a lot of detail. I think this is one of the things that differ him from when Darin Strauss was writing his memoir. He was writing it to find closure and for this guy I feel as if he was just writing for the fun of it. He doesn't make you feel as if you were part of the accident, almost feeling it. "More tearing." This is almost as descriptive as he gets. But I do think as the book goes on he is going to change the way he is writing and expressing himself. 

As the book goes I think his memoir's tone is going to be changing and be more like Alice Walker's memoir. At the beginning of a tragedy I guess everyone has problems facing it, and can always consider it a bad thing. In Walker's short memoir the tone in which she writes it starts from being positive into negative. Obviously the moment you burn you burn yourself, you won't be all happy and  like YOLO (You Only Live Once), but as time passes by I guess you realize such accidents are what shaped you as the person you are. Not only with Walker's memoir, but I know mine ends up doing the same thing.

1 comentario:

  1. Re-write this:

    Is as if he was doing a summary, almost as if he could only fit his memoir into a book of 5,000 words.
